God’s existence proven in the reason of our minds…

St. Anselm beautifully and succinctly summed up proof of God’s existence in this phrase: God is, That-Than-Which-Nothing-Greater-Can-Be-Thought. This concept is so simple that it’s easy to dismiss as a weightless argument for the existence of God. But thorough meditation on this concept lays a sturdy foundation for the Genesis 1 God.

Human reason is a powerful tool. Have you ever stopped to wonder at the fact that humanity as we know it is driven by one singular force? That force is the power of thought. Life flows steadily on based upon ideas. We know life is life because we can think about life, imagine it, and understand that we are in it. This bears massive implication when it comes to what we think about God.

The very idea of God proves His existence. Eternity is written upon the heart. The concept of God, That-Than-Which-Nothing-Greater-Can-Be-Thought, is as knit to God’s existence as existence is knit to the ability to think. For us to be able to think of a being that is above every other being implies that God exists and empowers our minds to conceive of a higher and greater reality, i.e. Him. If there were no God, we’d have no power in the mind to conceive of a god-like being. The very simple reason that we must believe in God is because we can imagine Him in our mind as That-Than-Which-Nothing-Greater-Can-Be-Thought.